Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ken Chu - All We Were Saying

Apartment is delighted to announce a special one off happening; 'All We Were Saying' by Ken Chu on Wednesday 21st December from 3-8pm.

Same sex civil partnerships will be legally recognized in England and Wales on 21 December 2005. All We Were Saying is a one-day performance work with two men in bed knitting for peace. All We Were Saying is looking to provide a public forum for ordinary queer citizens and their friends to respond to this momentous occasion in our history. The participants are Matt Bamber and Andy Hardman:

"We are partners, but stress that this piece is not about our relationship in particular. We are interested in the community and public response to Civil Partnership Laws." Matthew Bamber and Andrew Hardman

The work will be mounted in the bedroom of Apartment and the public is invited to participate.
Apartment will be open from 3 – 8 pm for the community to gather in support of the knitters. Attendees may mark this occasion by publicly voicing their perspectives on same-sex civil unions. They are encouraged to bring guitars, knit, and participate in other communal activities. The work is informed by the Yoko Ono/John Lennon 1969 Amsterdam 'bed-in' for peace.

Ken Chu is currently the Breathe Resident Artist at the Chinese Arts Centre where he is developing several projects with artists and their social economies. For one of the projects, he is working alongside a group of knitters, including Andy and Matt, to knit sleeves from recycled plastic bags to fit over monochromatic paintings.

'All We Were Saying' is a grass roots effort facilitated by Apartment, Chinese Arts Centre, queerupnorth and Castlefield Gallery.

The Knitters

Left; Matt and Andy in bed Knitting. More images will follow of the activities that occured during the day: Lone Lady popped by for an impromptu sing along and visitors came throughout the day to discuss the issues that Ken Chu had raised through the happening.

The Metro

All we were saying went really well, people came and chatted in the bedroom throughout the day. The above appeared in the Metro newspaper. Thanks to all those who attended, and to Ken Chu for realising such an interesting project and to Andy Hardman and Matt Bamber for being the knitters. More images will appear in the new year.

All We Were Saying

Apartment were delighted to recieve the hat that began life in the bedroom of Apartment during the recent 'All We Were Saying' happening. A huge thank you Ken Chu and to the knitters; Matthew Bamber and Andrew Hardman for donating the hat to the permanant collection of Apartment.

Northwest Tonight

Right; Ken Chu appearing on NorthWest Tonight; BBC's regional news programme, Channel M also covered the story.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Compartment is a new artist led organisation exploring the showing of artwork in alternative locations, from shoebox to warehouse; brought to you by Paul Harfleet and Hilary Jack.

The first show devised by Compartment; 'On the Shelf' (shown above) explored artist’s networks, personal relationships and their importance as an artist's professional resource. To reveal some of the mechanisms of this activity Hilary Jack invited the artist contacts she has accumulated over her ten year art career and invited them to take part in a group show; 'On the Shelf', this show was launched at Rogue Artists’ Studios Tenth Anniversary Open weekend on Saturday December 3rd. The response was fantastic and eighty artists participated from across the world, work arrived from Australia to Ireland, a full archive is available at: www.compartmentmanchester.blogspot.com

A huge thank you to all the artists that participated.